Combined Therapy Cocktail (CTC)
Are you yearning to release your limiting beliefs and discover who you are?
Also fondly known as Clear the Crap. A CTC Session is a combination of various modalities including, but not limited to NLP- Neuro-Linguistic Programming, EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique, Hypnosis, Time Line therapy, Reiki, Metaphysical healing and new age sciences.
A 2 hour Combined Therapy Cocktail that has proven to transform the lives of many in just one session.
Do you want to be Free of the Past, Live in the Present and Create the Future you Desire?
Do you want to be Free of all of those Fear’s and Limiting Beliefs that hold you back from being all you can be?
Do you want to be Free of those debilitating Phobia's
Are you struggling with waves of depression or having trouble losing that extra weight?
Are the stresses in your life affecting you physically and are struggling to cope?
You will be requested to come along with your list of all that you feel is holding you back. If you feel you are ready to unlock that amazing you, want to feel whole, and the be the person that you want to be.
Reiki Healing
The Usui System of Natural Healing
Reiki is Universal Life Energy the energy found in all living things. The Usui system of Reiki Healing applies this unlimited source of Reiki energy through touch for the purpose of healing yourself and others.
A Reiki treatment supports the whole person—physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
On a physical level, Reiki brings relaxation to stressed muscles, decreases pain, accelerates the healing time of bones and wounds, diminishes burns and bruises. Reiki facilitates in the healing of and accelerates the healing of all illness and much more. Reiki treats both the cause and the symptoms of disease.
On a mental and emotional level, anxiety is reduced, a sense of well being is increased and another level of relaxation is felt. At this level a rebalancing of energies occurs. Reiki not only targets the physical issue, but also the emotional cause behind it which then allows for the release of blockages and with this the natural healing ability of the body is enhanced.
On a spiritual level, people often feel reborn and rejuvenated and mention they feel a deep desire to step onto their spiritual path, to become more in tune with themselves, to discover who they really are and their life purpose. People often find comfort in this wondrous energy of Unconditional love.
Aromatouch Technique
A Relaxing Natural Healing with doTerra Essential Oils
This beautiful and relaxing therapy helps with stress management, immune support, provides healthy inflammatory response, and assists with re-balancing your overall wellbeing.
A clinical approach to applying essential oils along energy
meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help balance sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems of the body. -
The ArōmaTouch Technique improves well-being by reducing physical and emotional stressors and by supporting healthy autonomic function.
Sharon uses dōTERRA CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils for an unparalleled grounding experience.